Floodlit Frostbite

Saturday 22nd February 2025


Field Captains: Steve Ritzema, James Wilson

Frostbite - Senior Men Recurve

1stEACOTT HowardHavant & Hayling Bowmen3615305
2ndWELLINGTON MatthewSouthampton Archery Club366304
3rdMISTRY DannyForest of Bere Bowmen367303
SMITH AdrianTalisman Bowmen 363302
NEWSON SimonSouthampton Archery Club3619297
ATKINS JamesSouthampton Archery Club3619295
GRIFFITHS PhilipSouthampton Archery Club365294
NAISH WilliamSouthampton Archery Club3620293
BLAKE BenjaminSouthampton Archery Club3613286
BONEHAM JoshuaSouthampton Archery Club364275
PHILLIPS ChristopherSouthampton Archery Club3614272
WHITTER RhysBracken Company of Archers364265
LUSTED RobinSouthampton Archery Club3610262
STREET KevinSouthampton Archery Club365255
SPOTTISWOOD BryanSouthampton Archery Club363251
COLLINSON David MatthewSouthampton Archery Club359213
CANDLER BarrySouthampton Archery Club352193
CHATWIN StuartTalisman Bowmen360190
COOPER LeeAC Delco Bowmen350187
BRIENESSE ChristianBrent Valley Archers321169
HEASMAN LOGANBowmen of darentefordDNS
PALETHORPE GrahamSouthampton Archery ClubDNS

Frostbite - Senior Men Compound

1stMINTER DavidFOBB3623347
2ndKILLICK JamesSouthampton Archery Club1210336
3rdROBINSON MarkWaterside Archers369320
WENTZEL DeonBowmen of LytchettDNS

Frostbite - Senior Men Longbow

1stTRINDER SteveHavant & Hayling Bowmen352191
2ndMURRAY FraserBracken company of archer360188
3rdHINSLEY MarkBracken Company of Archers22092
EVANS DouglasSouthampton Archery ClubDNS

Frostbite - Senior Men Barebow

1stHARRISON MattSouthampton Archery Club367303
2ndGUéRIN SamuelSouthampton Archery Club362261
3rdFRENCH HarrySouthampton Archery Club362248
HAYNES GrahamSouthampton Archery Club331211
JONES ChrisHavant & Hayling Bowmen344170
CUTHBERT SteveTalisman Bowmen290159
MEADS RyanSouthampton Archery Club282141
BILLSON ColinSouthampton Archery Club240103
KEEBLE DavidSouthampton Archery ClubDNS

Frostbite - Senior Women Recurve

1stWHATTON SarahSouthampton Archery Club3622302
2ndGUBB LewinaAC Delco Bowmen366275
3rdBURT CatrinAC Delco Bowmen363238
LUSTED JoanneSouthampton Archery Club3612230
DEARSLEY HannahBournemouth Archery Club354224

Frostbite - Senior Women Compound

1stPERROTT MarieSway Bowmen3625346
2ndKARIMI LeilaSouthampton Archery Club3511322
TUCKER LynseyTalisman BowmenDNS
MISTRY IndiraForest of Bere BowmenDNS

Frostbite - Senior Women Longbow

1stROBINSON JoannaBracken Company of Archers221101
2ndBAKER AmberWaterside Archers25089
3rdROBINSON PennyWaterside Archers13048

Frostbite - Senior Women Barebow

1stDUNN NualaAC Delco Bowmen363257
2ndMURRAY TracyBracken Company of Archers352238
3rdGROOM LisaSouthampton Archery Club314204
HAYNES CateSouthampton Archery Club332188
GOUCH JaneSouthampton Archery Club333169
WATSON EmmaSouthampton Archery ClubDNS
KNAPP EllaSouthampton Archery ClubDNS

Frostbite - U18 Men Barebow

1stBURT StanAC Delco Bowmen340185

Frostbite - U18 Women Barebow

WILLIAMS SerenSouthampton Archery ClubDNS
BEST LaurenSouthampton Archery ClubDNS

Frostbite - U15 Men Barebow

1stGUéRIN EmileSouthampton Archery Club300162

Frostbite - U14 Men Barebow

1stHAYNES MontySouthampton Archery Club23196